Отборочный тур конкурса “Miss US Nation” состоится 19 июня в Hilton Airport Hotel Miami в 2 часа дня. Участницы из 7 штатов США смогут побороться за корону и титул конкурса.
Будут отобраны девушки, которые примут участие в финале “Miss US Nation“, который состоится 26 ноября 2016 года в Майами.
В финале примут участие девушки из США, Южной Америки, России, Казахстана, Украины и Европы.
По всем вопросам сотрудничества обращайтесь к Миле Назаренко – international director “Miss Nation” по странам СНГ, Европе и США.
Приглашаются к участию спонсоры, модели, и все заинтересованные лица!
Билеты уже в продаже ! А также открыта запись в школу дефиле!!!
Официальная информация от организаторов конкурса “Miss US Nation“
Miss US Nation is a career-building pageant. The pageant originally began in Milan, Italy. It is a pageant aimed towards building the careers in the entertainment field of its titleholders. With Bella Fashion Designs as Miss US Nation’s sister-company, the titleholders of Miss US Nation have the privilege to model for this fashion designer company in runway events, charity events, and television appearances. Miss US Nation is located in several parts of the United States. Pageants for contestants residing in the United States begin at a local level, advance to state and then to national.
The Miss US Nation organization offers plenty of opportunity to meet people in the entertainment industry. In addition to the official sash and crown, all titleholders, including the local city ones, receive a scholarship. Modeling opportunities, scholarships and great prizes are only few of the benefits of being a Miss US Nation titleholder. This pageant is for women and girls of all ages, as there are different age categories. Teen, ages 14-18; Miss, ages 19-29; Ms. (Ages 21 – 30 Married and/or children); Mrs (Ages 30+ Married and/or children). We also offer a Little Princess division for girls ages 2-5, this category is non-competitive; little girls get a sash and crown and get to attend certain events with the beauty queens. Have the opportunity to make new friends, build self confidence and help the community. Don’t miss out on the fun, register today!